What We Do

Our Commitment

To be a safe, economical, and reliable solution for solid waste for Rutherford County and Middle Tennessee, and to always act in an environmentally responsible way. Our local team of operators and engineers are committed to serving our customers and community, and acting in a manner of high ethical conduct.


Middle Point has active permits for air quality, groundwater, storm water, and solid waste management with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC), and continuously works in conjunction with the State of Tennessee and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to monitor, document, and report compliance status.


For more information on our Good Neighbor Action Plan, click here.


Middle Point is operated in a manner that protects public health and the environment. We work closely with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) and United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ensure that each constructed landfill area is engineered to protect the environment and meets all federal, state, and local regulations.

Over the last seven consecutive inspections by TDEC and EPA, Middle Point has achieved “no violations noted,” as evidenced by inspection reports on websites for both regulatory bodies.

Middle Point is committed to continuous improvement:

In 2021 and 2022 Middle Point invested $7.5M in its on-site gas collection and control system, including the installation of 84 new gas wells and nearly 4,000 linear feet of horizontal collectors. These improvements have led to an immediate drop in odor reports. Just three months after the installation of these upgrades was complete, odor reports were down 90%, corresponding to a 52% increase in collected landfill gas. 

Middle Point has also recently invested $2.5M into our onsite pre-treatment plant to enhance treatment of leachate from Middle Point and the adjacent Rutherford County Landfills. Collectively, these infrastructure investments also bolstered our gas collection system, allowing us to capture gas more efficiently and in larger quantities.

In 2022, we announced plans for a renewable natural gas (RNG) facility at Middle Point Landfill developed with Archaea Energy, the industry leading RNG producer in the U.S. This project will convert gas that is naturally generated as waste decomposes at Middle Point Landfill into pipeline-quality RNG that will be used as a low-carbon alternative to fossil fuels, creating enough energy to heat over 80,000 homes per year.

Middle Point protects our environment. At the close of each day, we cover waste disposed that day with soil. This helps reduce odor and litter. Once we bring the waste elevation to permitted final grade, we will place a final cover over the top to entomb the waste. This cover keeps liquids out and gases in and ensures the protection of the environment. The cap includes 18 inches of soil or clay, a low-density polyethylene liner, a geocomposite drainage layer, and 18 inches of topsoil and vegetation.

Steps are taken to control dust and litter and watering of access roads prevents dust from rising when trucks travel in and out of the landfill. A sweeper is used to keep nearby roadways clean. Litter is minimized by limiting the size of the active disposal area, applying daily cover and using fencing on windy days to catch blowing materials. Any litter that blows off-site is collected by landfill personnel.

The system to collect liquid within the landfill includes perforated pipes placed above the liner system to collect any liquid that has touched waste. The liquid is then processed through our state-of-the-art Membrane Biological Reactor pretreatment plant and, once pretreated, discharges to a wastewater treatment plant for final processing.

Rainwater that does not touch any waste must also be managed appropriately. Stormwater runoff is collected and contained in permitted detention ponds, allowing soil particles to settle before the water is discharged. Visual inspections are conducted quarterly, and analysis is done annually. Ponds are routinely inspected during monthly TDEC site visits.

Groundwater monitoring wells around the site perimeter ensure that landfill operations are not impacting groundwater. Five wells and two springs are sampled semi-annually, and results are submitted to the state.

Landfill gas and odors are controlled with operational programs, such as waste compaction, applying daily cover per our permit, and the use of an effective landfill gas collection and control system. Landfill personnel conduct routine odor inspections to minimize odor and deal with odor as quickly as possible once detected. The landfill gas system is upgraded and expanded with regular frequency as the landfill grows. We install gas collection infrastructure much earlier than required by federal and state regulation. Additionally, we use a misting/odor-neutralization system to assist with odor control.


We run Commercial, Industrial, and Residential collection routes through the Middle Tennessee area.

Collection process

Transfer stations aggregate waste collected by multiple collection vehicles in a single place. By combining waste into transfer trucks, we have less vehicles on the road and reduce emissions.

Transfer process

Waste is carefully compacted and covered daily to limit wind-blown debris and odors, creating a stable engineered facility.

Landfill process

Recycling is important to this community and our company, and Middle Point Landfill works directly with recycling companies in the area.

Sustainability process